Omziki Distribution

Start growing your career

Whether you are an independent artist or label, we have all the tools you need.

Unlimited Music Distribution
  • Unlimited Releases to all Digital Platforms
  • Official Sales Reports
  • Schedule Your Own Release Date
  • Unlimited Releases to all Digital Stores
  • 80% Revenue from Digital Stores
  • Spotify Verified Artist Checkmark
  • Apple Music for Artists Verification
  • Artist Revenue Splits (Coming Soon)
  • Customer Service Response Time
  • Store Automator
  • Use Your Own ISRC
  • Access to Exclusive Partnerships
  • Promotional Opportunities
  • Pro Panels & Expert Advice Sessions
  • Custom Label Name
  • Use Your Own UPC
PRO Unlimited Music Distribution
  • Unlimited Releases to all Digital Platforms
  • Official Sales Reports
  • Schedule Your Own Release Date
  • Unlimited Releases to all Digital Stores
  • 80% Revenue from Digital Stores
  • Spotify Verified Artist Checkmark
  • Apple Music for Artists Verification
  • Artist Revenue Splits (Coming Soon)
  • Customer Service Response Time
  • Store Automator
  • Use Your Own ISRC
  • Access to Exclusive Partnerships
  • Promotional Opportunities
  • Pro Panels & Expert Advice Sessions
  • Custom Label Name
  • Use Your Own UPC
Music Video Distribution
  • One Time Fee
  • VEVO Channel
  • 80% Revenue from Digital Stores
  • Artist Revenue Splits (Coming Soon)
  • Customer Service Response Time
  • Promotional Opportunities
  • No Annual Fees!

Grow your career

We do more than digital distribution. Omziki Distribution helps you with everything you need for your music career!

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove barriers preventing people from doing their best work.
